Contact Information

Billing Address

Please read this information carefully. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the details about working together so that we both are clear as to what each of our respective roles are and how our communication will take place so that our time will be positive, productive, and comfortable.

The Mind Surgery Method Self-Paced + 1:1  Track includes:
- Immediate access to the NLP Pre-Study & all 13 Mind Surgery Method modules housed on a dedicated membership site 
- 10 x 60-min 1:1 calls split between Cara and our resident Mentor Coach, Romy.  (You will have an initial 1:1 with Cara to map out a custom schedule!)
- A printed course manual sent to you in the mail. (Please note cost of shipping is only included within North America. International students will receive a shipping estimate or they may choose to receive a PDF copy of the manual instead.)
- A required 2-part written test at the end of the core curriculum 
- Personalized feedback on 5 technique demos that you'll record on Zoom and submit to a private Google Drive folder for review. (This is a requirement for certification along with the written test.)
- 3 printed certificates sent to you in the mail upon successful completion of test and demo submission. (International students will receive an equally beautiful digitally signed PDF copies.)  Your primary certification is as a Certified Mind Surgery Method Practitioner/Coach, plus you'll also receive 2 certificates of completion of Neurolinguistic Programming and Mental & Emotional Release at the Practitioner Level*
- Plus, an invite to join our Alumni group for ongoing support with fellow Mind Surgery Method graduates.

NOTE: Due to the online format of this course and the Master-level techniques taught within the program, this is an independent certification through Cara Rice and is not affiliated with an accrediting body. 


During the Program, you can expect that I will:
- Come prepared.
- Devote my full attention to you during our time together.
- Serve as your accountability partner and supporter.
- Stretch you outside of your comfort zone.
- Offer support, encouragement, feedback and guidance.

I expect that you will:
- Show up on time without distractions.
- Give 100% of your effort and fully commit to the Program.
- Come fully prepared for our time together.
- Use your best efforts to complete all action steps.
- Promptly provide payment for the Program.
- Be open to new ideas and willing to stretch and grow.
- Ask any questions you may have as they arise.

Payment Authorization and Receipt

Depending on the date of registration, your enrollment may include early bird savings and bonuses.

Missed Payment
If payment is not received by the date due or there is a problem with the payment transaction or method, you will be notified by e-mail and then have a 3 day grace period to make the payment following the due date, otherwise your Program will be put on hold until payments have been received to date.

Refund Policy
It is my intention for you to be happy with your Program. However, because I have invested considerable time and effort in your Program, if you decide to withdraw at any time for any reason, you are still fully responsible for making all Program payments, and no refunds will be provided.

Intellectual Property Rights
I retain all ownership and intellectual property rights to the Program content and materials provided to you through the Program, including all copyrights and any trademarks belonging to me. The Program content and materials are being provided to you for your individual use only and with a single-user license which means that you are not allowed or authorized to share, copy, sell, post, distribute, reproduce, duplicate, trade, resell, exploit, or otherwise disseminate any portion of the Program or Program materials, electronically or otherwise, for business or commercial use, or in any other way that earns you money, without my prior written permission.

Personal Responsibility & Assumption of Risk
You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for yourself and all decisions made before, during and after your Program. You accept full responsibility for your choices, actions and results before, during and after this Program, and you knowingly assume all of the risks of the Program related to your use, misuse, or non-use of the Program or any of the Program materials. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for your results. You also acknowledge that it is your personal responsibility to have the appropriate agreements in place with your own clients before facilitating any coaching sessions using Program materials.

I have used care in preparing the information provided to you, but this Program and my Program materials are being provided as self-help tools for your own use and for informational and educational purposes only. There are many factors that influence results, so no guarantees can be made as to the results you will experience through this Program. You agree that I am not responsible for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, for your financial earnings or losses, or for any other result or outcome that you may experience through this Program. Nothing related to this Program is intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice in any way. For specific questions related to your financial, legal or tax situation, consult your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. For specific questions related to religion, spirituality, or faith, consult your own clergy member or spiritual healer.

Limitation of Liability, Indemnification, and Release of Claims
I will not be held responsible in any way for the information that you request or receive through this Program, including my services, products, and Program materials and any other information you have received from or through me related to this Program. You agree that you fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release me from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that you ever had, now have or may have against me in the future that may arise from your participation in the Program, including all services, products, and Program Materials, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

By clicking "I agree" to the terms and conditions on the checkout page and making your first payment, you understand that you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions listed above, including the payment plan schedule you select at checkout.

I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Single Payment of $4497 [Save $397]$4997.00
  • Preferred option
    Extend Payments Over 6 Months6x $899.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Mind Surgery Method® Self-Paced + 1:1$0

"This certification is GOLD. Cara does not disappoint and when it comes to details, no corners go unturned. This has seriously upped my game in and I am much more confident with handling my coaching sessions. NLP is a game changer, and you will be glad you had Cara to lead you through it."

Brogan M.
Health Coach

"Experiencing NLP with Cara has given me next level clarity personally and professionally. Now I can guide my clients with the same NLP tools and let me tell you -- it's been a total game changer for them too (getting paying clients quicker, more creative clarity and releasing fear)! "

Mindy T.
Business Coach

"Having tangible tools and techniques to use with my clients has been a game changer! MER creates incredible shifts in their perspective and life. The awarenesses that come up in sessions is mind boggling. This certification is a must for any coach wanting to create lasting change."

Nicki H. 
Nutrition Coach
  • Total payment
  • 1xMind Surgery Method® Self-Paced + 1:1$0

All prices in USD

Limited Time Bonuses Include:

The Mind Surgery Method Self-Paced + 1:1  Track includes:

  • Immediate access to the NLP Pre-Study & all 13 Mind Surgery Method modules housed on a dedicated membership site 
  • 10 x 60-min 1:1 calls split between Cara and our resident Mentor Coach, Romy.  (You will have an initial 1:1 with Cara to map out a custom schedule!)
  • A printed course manual sent to you in the mail. (Please note cost of shipping is only included within North America. International students will receive a shipping estimate or they may choose to receive a PDF copy of the manual instead.)
  • A required 2-part written test at the end of the core curriculum 
  • Personalized feedback on 5 technique demos that you'll record on Zoom and submit to a private Google Drive folder for review. (This is a requirement for certification along with the written test.)
  • 3 printed certificates sent to you in the mail upon successful completion of test and demo submission. (International students will receive an equally beautiful digitally signed PDF copies.)  Your primary certification is as a Certified Mind Surgery Method Practitioner/Coach, plus you'll also receive 2 certificates of completion of Neurolinguistic Programming and Mental & Emotional Release at the Practitioner Level*
  • Plus, an invite to join our Alumni group for ongoing support with fellow Mind Surgery Method graduates.

*NOTE: Due to the online format of this course and the Master-level techniques taught within the program, this is an independent certification through Cara Rice and is not affiliated with an accrediting body. 

Please email with any Qs before joining!
